College of Forestry

Student Employment Opportunities

Archived Job Listings

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 3495 found
Job ID Sort descending Closing Date Job Title Company City State
7092 Environmental Health Specialist I or II Deschutes County Bend OR
7093 Environmental Health Specialist / Senior Environmental Health Specialist Lincoln County Newport OR
7094 2019 Live Fuels Student Research Assistant OSU-Cascades Bend OR
7095 Plant Technician Lazarus Naturals Powell Butte OR
7097 Assistant Program Manager, Spatial Analyst Colorado State University Fort Collins CO
7098 Onsite Wastewater Specialist 2 (may underfill as Onsite Wastewater Specialist 1) Marion County Salem OR
7099 Camp Counsler Camp Cody Freedom NH
7100 North Landowner Assistance Coordinator Washington State Department of Natural Resources Wenatchee WA
7101 Forest Carbon Analyst Mendocino Redwood Company Ukiah CA
7102 Natural Resources Writer Mendocino Redwood Company Ukiah CA
7103 Lead Forester Northwest Natural Resource Group Seattle WA
7104 David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program Society for Conservation Biology Washington DC
7105 Forestry and Land Specialist Coquille Indian Tribe Coos Bay/North Bend OR
7106 Forest Manager Coquille Indian Tribe Coos Bay/North Bend OR
7107 Special Forest Products & Small Sales Coordinator USDA Forest Service Silver Lake, Paisley, Lakeview and Bly Ranger Districts OR
7108 Engineering Technician (Civil) USDA Forest Service Heppner OR
7109 Forest Health Specialist City of Gresham Gresham OR
7110 AmeriCorps positions Confluence Environmental Center Portland OR
7111 Forestry Technician (Timber Stand Improvement) US Forest Service Riggins, Bend, Baker City, Bly ID, OR
7112 Outdoor Recreation Planner National Park Service San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Seattle CA, NV, WA